5 Tips To Learn Chinese
I am talking about Putonghua (Mandarin Chinese) here. After almost two years of studying I can survive in basic situations in everyday life. I can maintain a relationship using only Chinese. But still I am in the beginning of my journey which will never end. My goal is to finish a bachelor degree in Chinese language in four years and be fluent at the time I graduate. These are the things that have benefited me during my language learning: 1. Speak, speak, speak. Your can master the written Chinese and still be unable to have a conversation. From the very beginning it is important to speak Chinese as often you…
My home is in Guangzhou now
I have been back to Finland for two weeks now and everything seems like the same. People are complaining about the weather and we have Karelian pasties every week after sauna. But is my home here or in Guangzhou? Wikipedia says: “A home is a place of residence or refuge comfort. It is usually a place in which an individual or a family can rest and be able to store personal property.” Surely my place of residence is in Guangzhou, but most of my stuff is still here in Finland. Maybe the biggest difference is that in China I have my own space and in Finland I need to close…
One Hospital In Guangzhou And How I Ended up In There
Incredibly painful. It started on Sunday 27th when I accidentally spilled a bowl of hot water to my skin. I ran to the shower, opened the door of my room and started shouting in all the three languages I know. Three or four paramedics came but none of them wanted to come inside take a look. Why? Because I was naked. My classmate had to grab one of them by the arm and pull him inside. Then I found out there wasn’t any medicine in the ambulance. At this point I was screaming and crying as never before. So my classmate had to go to the convenience store to buy…