Why The Shop Assistant Keeps Telling Me The Dress Is Too Small?
It’s personal. But still they talk about your weight, salary and eating habits. I just ran into an old post in China Hope Live and it explains very well what is this guanxin talk: “–, 关心 talk, which is intended to express care, concern, or interest on the part of the speaker; it’s a relational gesture. However, many Chinese typically express care, concern, and interest by asking about or publically commenting on things that North Americans consider private, personal, and none-of-your-business” I have had my part on this guanxin too. One early morning I received a text message from my Chinese friend. He wrote that it is cold outside so…
Why Am I Leaving The Best Country In The World?
(Prizes my younger little brother have won from ice hockey and football) I knew it. According to Newsweek Finland is the best country in the world. China is on the 59th place. Let’s do little bit comparing between the two homes of mine. Finland’s overall score is 89,31 and China’s 62,10. The best score Finland got from education because the literacy rate is 100%. Also according to PISA the Finnish education is the best in the world. In China the economic dynamism got good scores but political environment was ranked to be one of the worst. Also the education was only on the 61th place but that seems to…
Will I Be A White Guangzhounese?
It feels so odd. To tell people that I live in China, that my hometown is now Guangzhou. It feels like I am joking and it really isn’t true. I used to dream many years about visiting China but I didn’t knew that I would live there for many years or even longer. The red door in the picture leads to the staircase and the uglier one is the door to my place. There are numberless different views to China but mine is to a common neighbourhood and I only have a glimpse of a skyscraper in the horizon. No matter how long I will stay I will always be…