Sara’s Mandarin Monday: Introducing my schedule in Chinese (video clip)
This week’s video took me longer than a day to upload (that’s also the reason why there’s no Youtube version yet), but here it finally is! In this short video clip I show you my schedule for the semester. If you are interested, I could introduce my lessons (in English) a little bit better later on when I’ve tried them all. I got some new courses because this semester I started my Teaching Chinese lessons (other option was Business Chinese). Any kind of meaningful feedback is welcomed! I really hope that shooting these short videos will help me to improve my spoken Chinese. Even though it’s painful to watch…
Photos from Dapeng Fortress in Shenzhen
Last week I visited an ancient Dapeng Fortress and I have to say it’s a must see destination in Shenzhen. I recommend to take a slower bus from Shenzhen to Dapeng, it will offer amazing views to the sea (For example bus number m362 at 罗湖医院站). From the last stop you can take a tuk tuk for 10RMB that takes you to the village.
Sara’s Mandarin Monday: 新的学期来了!
There is something strange happening in the video after 01:15. My voice suddenly starts getting slower and slower like I turn into a man! I try to fix it, but until that I hope you atleast have fun! [local /wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Video@2012_0221_111844.wmv] Shortly in English: In this short video I’m explaining why this Mondarin Monday is on Tuesday and what are my plans for the week. New term at the university is beginning and I’m looking forward to it! Let me know your thought about my current level at spoken Chinese. Thank you!
(大家)晚上好!我刚(刚)才跟我得朋友从深圳回来了。我们去深圳的目的是参加首饰交易会,是因为我的朋友在芬兰卖银首饰。一般她从芬兰打一个打电话给我(通常她从芬兰打一通电话给我),告诉我想买什么,然后我(就)去买。但是这一次她自己(亲自)来广州买东西。这是她第二次来过中国,一年前她在广州留过学(一年前她在广州留学过)。那时候我是跟她认识的(我是跟她那时候认识的)。在这里留学时她发现东西特别便宜(当时在这里留学时她发现这里东西特别便宜),(所以)决定开公司。 我们上个星期五晚上到了深圳,星期六参加了深圳国际黄金珠宝玉石展览会。(这)是我第一次参加这么大的交易会,但是(我想)一定不是最后一次。我们(住)的宾馆(凯利宾馆)也有黄金海岸水疗会所,所以有一个很好的机会在桑拿放松(舒缓)。但是我不太喜欢在那里按摩员没有工资(但是我不太喜欢在那里按摩因为按摩师没有工资),他们只可以拿客户给他们的小费。 星期日我们去新安古城参观。那个小村很有意思,但是大部分古老的大楼已经拆了。很多人跟我们打招呼,叫“hello,hello”。 可能很少外国人去那里看一下,所以他们对外国人特别好奇。晚上我们去了东门步行街,那边有很多商店,很多饭馆。好像年经人喜欢去那里好玩,逛街。 今天早上我们决定坐公(交)车去大鹏所城。 我对历史特别感兴趣,所以喜欢参观古老的地方。如果你住在深圳,或者去那里旅游,我建议你去大鹏所城看一下。在那里你可以看到以前的中国人是怎么样生活。但是那个地方只不是(不只是)个博物馆,现在还有很多家庭住在那里。 你们去过深圳吗?Have you been to Shenzhen?