• Living in China

    So are Chinese people polite or not?

    Three weeks ago a new Finn arrived to Guangzhou and started his few months in China. He said that it’s nice here because people are so polite and helpful. But I’m guessing that at some point he will get to the bottom of the culture shock and have not so nice things to say about Chinese. At least that’s how it usually happens with newcomers. I can understand very well why he said that Chinese people are polite. They compliment your Chinese after hearing you say “Ni hao”, everyone wants to be your friend and get to know you. Are these the same people who don’t bother to open their…

  • Studying Chinese

    Learn Chinese pronunciation and pinyin with Pinyin Trainer

    (This blog post includes affiliate links.) Recently I’ve been paying attention to my pronunciation as it’s not as good as it should be. I’ve decided to start from the beginning because I’m not even hearing the tones and pinyin correctly! In order to train my pinyin I tried to find some helpful apps from the App Store. I found Pinyin Trainer: Pinyin Trainer is great for beginners who want to learn Chinese pinyin and pronunciation, and also for us intermediate learners who didn’t study properly when it was time. It will test your listening skills and you have to choose the right pinyin or tone. You can listen as many…

  • Living in China

    Mandarin Monday: 找工作靠什么

    For this week’s Mandarin Monday I want to share a recent homework of mine, and essay about why it’s not a good idea to have plastic surgery in order to find a job.   找工作靠什么 在如今的经济情况下好不容易找到合适的工作(在当今的经济情况下是很不容易找到合适的工作)。据报道,很多的人为了得到好工作而通过(经过)整容改善外貌。靠整容找工作是有很多坏处的方法(靠整容找工作是有很多的坏处),最好是靠自己的能力和知识找合适的职业。 第一个坏处是做整容不一定安全,是因为整容是一种手术,而且每个手术(都)有风险。如果整容的结果不理想,那找工作不(就)会更难吗?而且要是身体受到伤害的话,生活的各个方面(都)会有影响。 第二,整容并不便宜,那些钱你做最好投资教育(这些钱最好拿来投资在进修)。学习新的知识根本没有任何坏处,只有很多好处。譬如,掌握新的技能和新的语言在找工作时有很大的帮助。 第三,外貌很容易失去,人老了,有意外等,所以我们不要太重视它。语言技能,工作经验,任何能力不是那么容易失去的。最好的未来的投资是学好学位,学好各种各样的技能,学好外语。具有这些能力,找到合适工作的可能性更大。 第四,做整容不答应(保证)你能找到合适工作,更不答应你能做好工作。在大部分工作上,工作效果跟外貌没有任何关系。做不到工作时,外貌也没有帮助。 提高自己的能力只有好处,不一样的技能和经历在简历上很有用。反过来(说),整容有可能会带来身体伤害,也说不定找工作时有没有帮助。所以你最好靠自己的能力找工作,就这样你能找到搭配你的学位,技能和希望的工作。

  • Living in China,  My Life

    In China I’m both fat and beautiful

    As a white female foreigner in China there are two things Chinese people seem to think about me. One of them is that I’m extremely beautiful with my Western look and white skin. Other is that I’m fat because I weight more than 100斤 (50kg). In China 100 seems to be a magical number for girls and women. It comes up in TV series I watch once in a while. You should absolutely never weight more than 100斤 (50kg). And if you do, well there’s no clothes you can buy, there’s no man who wants you and so on. Not looking like a 10 year-old school girl makes me huge…