• Being Pregnant in China

    Giving birth in China: Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center

    Our baby girl is almost six months now, but let’s go back to last year and the exciting and scary experience of giving birth in China! I had chosen the Women and Children’s Medical Center because after my research and asking other mothers in the area, I think it was the best option within my budget. Lots of moms mentioned that if anything goes wrong, that is the hospital you want to be in or if you chose otherwise, you will be sent to this hospital. It all started around 2am when I felt painful contractions starting. I soon woke my husband up and let him gather our bags in…

  • My Life

    Welcome Back!

    My blog has experienced a lots of problems during the past month and was hacked and cleaned a few times in a row. I hope that those problems are now past us and I can continue blogging! These months I’ve been very busy with out beautiful baby girl and it’s a real joy to see her grow and learn new things on a daily basis. I still have posts coming up on giving birth in China, applying for a Finnish citizenship and passport and all those paperwork that is needed for a Foreign-Chinese baby. At the beginning of this month I also finished my master’s thesis! Another great milestone behind…