• Guangzhou,  Raising a child in China

    Where to go with kids in Guangzhou – Aoti Utopa Mall

    New shopping malls made for kids are popping up all over Guangzhou. Aoti Utopa Mall used to be a furniture mall, but it has transformed into a kid’s paradise.It isn’t a fancy mall and looks old on the outside, but it has pretty much everything you need. Address for taxi or GPS: 广州市天河区奥体南路12号优托虭·奥体店 So what does Aoti Utopa Mall include? Outside there are amusement park rides, two water parks, wall climbing, diving training and other activities. Outside there is also two big slides for free that kids and climb and slide on. Inside you find many indoor playgrounds, trampoline park, swimming playarea, shops, restaurants and a Auchan supermarket. The restaurants…