So me and my husband started a YouTube channel!

Left is our guest star Hazza

We started a YouTube channel called Guangzhou Expat! Never did I know that I would be saying or writing those words down for real! But that’s what happened, me and my Guangzhou hubby started a channel and are now learning how to make videos. Really a learn as you go process!

So everything started when we decided to give up our shares of the gym my husband was working hard on the past two years. The situation due to pandemic was just getting so bad, that we wanted to cut our losses and give up the shares.

Then my husband jus blurted out the idea that we should start making videos.

We didn’t do much about it for couple of months, we were busy enough with our daughter being out of kindergarten for four months. But then we discussed it further and decided to give it a try!

We knew we might not become YouTube famous, but figured we could be able to promote our Chinese language center, and have some fun on the side too!

So we bought a new camera, realized our old Macbooks couldn’t handle video editing and had to buy a new desktop computer too. Our first tries of getting a video together were laughable at best. But then something clicked, we started to have all these ideas!

I have noticed we are quite the dream team! My husband is more technical and handels the cameras, shooting and editing. I’m the more creative one so I come up with video ideas, write the scripts and plans.

We just launched our channel today and we feel like kinds waiting for Santa Claus! Easy to be excited on the first day on the job right!

We don’t yet know what will come out of all of this, but we know we want to show others how to have a great time in Guangzhou! Including traveling, family life, restaurants, getting to know the locals, learning the language and culture.

I’ll add our video here in this post so you can take a look how our first official video looks like! We had the honor to get the TV persona Hazza to join us on this fun Guangzhou Quiz!

If you enjoyed our first video, it would mean a lot to us if you could subscribe to our channel and share the video with your friends, thank you!