• Guangzhou

    Guangzhou Meet-Up

    It’s time to have the very first Guangzhou Meet-Up! Everyone living or traveling in Guangzhou at the moment can participate in this trip to the Xiaozhou Village. We will have a nice afternoon by relaxing and chatting in a coffee shop, we also have a great chance to walk around the ancient village and take photos. Time: Sunday 24th March 2pm Place: Xiaozhou Village main gate (click the map below to see it bigger) How to get there: Take a bus 45, 252 or 468 to 小洲村 xiao zhou cun bus stop. Easiest way is to hop on to 252 or 468 at Kecun metro station (same side of the…

  • Living in China,  My Life

    The Art of Being Misunderstood In China

    Recently I’ve received lots of interesting comments to my old post In China I’m Both Fat And Beautiful and wanted to answer them in this blog post. Many of the commenters saw me as self-centered person who doesn’t want to adapt to the Chinese way of living. But is this really the case? When you live in a foreign country you encounter numerous new things. And when the new culture is as different as Chinese culture is from Finnish culture, you can’t just hop in and get used to it right from the start. You need to use all your senses to get into the new culture and way of…

  • Sun Yat-Sen University

    New Semester At Sun Yat-Sen University

    New semester has started at Sun Yat-Sen University. During my previous three semesters here I have received the Excellent Student Award (being best at my class, grades 80+) two times and once I got a Didn’t-Skip-Classes Award (or something like that, for someone who skipped a very very few classes and grades were 70+). So I have a lot to prove this semester! Lets take a look what kind of courses I’m having this semester. Compulsory courses 综合 As always, there is the Comprehensive Chinese course which includes vocab, grammar, reading and writing. We changed to a new book series for this course and are now using Road To Success…

  • Traveling Around China

    Photos From Dragon’s Back Hike In Hong Kong

    As all of you who follow my Facebook page know, I visited Hong Kong during the Chinese New Year holiday. The best destination I visited this time was absolutely the famous Dragon’s Back Hike. If you want to relax in a few hours hike in the middle of the nature, then this pretty easy hike is just for you! Few tips: Take the MTR to Shau Kei Wan station, then change to bus number 9 To Tei Wan, the hike starts right next to the bus stop, you can’t miss it! Go during the morning or later during the day, avoid hot and harsh midday sun! Take water and snacks…