Just a few happy moments from China

I went to one of our local small stores today, as I do almost every week. I had my hands full of things and a guy who works at the shop came to me and said he could take those to the counter for me. I was reminded by that guy how I love those small moments here in China.

Few days back I ordered a past to go from a take away place and had a nice chat with girl working there. She told me how the owner was an Australian originally from Syria. She was so sweet and her shy smile just light up that moment.

I love all those times when small kids call me jiejie,  big sister. I much prefer being a jiejie than an aunt which kids call me in Finland.

Watching my Chinese boyfriend chatting with his friends shows me how natural friendships can be at their best in China. Those guys have known each other since primary school and can talk about anything. They are always so interested in Finland and how I think about things.

A man making Taiwanese wrap on the street every night remembers how I like my wrap, I don’t need to order anymore. I also remember a woman from Nanting village where I used to live, she sells fruits and gave me discount when I didn’t have enough money with me.

Just a few random things that make me happy in China.